Saturday, December 12, 2009

President's Weekly Address: Learning from History to Reform Wall Street

From the White House web site:

The President explains that while he continues to focus on jobs, it is also profoundly important to address the problems that created this economic mess in the first place. He commends the House of Representatives for passing reforms to our financial system, including a new Consumer Financial Protection Agency, and blasts Republican Leaders and financial industry lobbyists for their joint "pep rally" to defeat it.

So much for the President being in the pocket of Wall Street... This is to me great news. I applaud this mightily. However I am sure there will be the naysayers among the Left who will say it is not enough or he was paid off or something...

It seems no matter what he does it never pleases some, so he is always fighting both sides.. the Rethugs just because they can.. and the Left because he isn't who they thought he would be in their dreams.

No, he isn't.. he is the man who was voted in by so many of you... Democrats, Republicans, Independents alike, and he is trying his very best, to work with the Congress he has to enact the Legislation he can.. to clean up the mess he was left with, to fix the problems out there.. to wind down 2 wars in the best way he knows how.. one that was scheduled already and he has to work within those constrains, (Iraq, I mean) and the other, Afghanistan, just a mess that he said all along he was going to finish the best way he knew how.. If Bush had just finished it we wouldn't be there now...I firmly believe that.. and I don't believe this President wants to be involved in either of these wars.

I have followed and studied this man since 2004. I firmly believed he would be President one day.. I really didn't think it would be this soon...because I didn't think our country was ready. However I knew this country was not ready for a woman either. I know a lot of you put your hopes on Hillary and if you think she would have done any differently than Pres. Obama would have done on Afghanistan or Iran you are sadly mistaken...

We would have been in another war in Iran if Hillary was President. She was trying to get him to use force in Iran, North Korea and other places.. Bill is the calming influence in that couple, not Hillary.. and sorry folks.. we had 8 years of Bill Clinton in the White House... Yes he was a good President.. but I don't think I want him back anytime soon.. really...


Sue said...

Good job Annette. It always seems like you are speaking to me directly! LOL

As I told you before I did not follow Obamas career, I voted for him because I had to, I had to vote for a democrat. But as I stay calm and focused on what he does and says then I feel sure I made the right decision. I hope in 4 years from now this country will have improved so much for the better that rethugs will be irrelavent. But really I must admit, we need bi-partisanship, I just hope the right doesn't keep moving farther and farther to the extremes of their party. We need sanity in Washington!

TomCat said...

I have to disagree with you Sue. Bipartisanship is not possible as long as the other party has making you fail as their one and only priority.

Leslie Parsley said...

"It seems no matter what he does it never pleases some, so he is always fighting both sides.."

I so totally agree with you, Maxine. I just put up a comment on Sue's blog bemoaning all the negativity. Not just occasionally but all the time. If the guy stood on his head and stacked greasy beebees, someone would find something wrong with the way one beebee looked among hundreds.

Sue said...

Tom right now the GOP is the party of NO and are doing everything in their power to obstruct and destroy Obama, I agree, but that doesn't mean the country shouldn't be bipartisan. If both parties would work together for the people who elected them instead of fighting and working against each other, it would be a better country. Of course ideal isn't always reality, and right now the GOP's behavior is far from reality.

K. said...

He inherited a real mess, that's for sure. The MSM loves to say that Afghanistan is "Obama's war." Bush handed him the tail of a tiger and now he's doing the best he can with it. I'm not enthusiastic about sending more troops over there, but it also seems like there were no good choices.

Annette said...

Thanks all of you.. Sue, I am in total agreement with you.. We need the two party system working together to make this country what it is supposed to be. What we have now is not the typical 2 party system. We have the religious right trying to run the Republican Party out of power and out of town. Until the main stream Republicans stand up and take back their party we will not have bi-partisanship nor will we have a strong 2 party system in this country.

There are a few holdouts in the party, such as Collins, Snowe, and a few others.. but look what they have gone through for the votes they have done as part of trying to move legislation forward. They were vilified and threatened with losing their funding from the party and losing their seats by a challenger from the religious right, one of the Palin camp most likely. That's what we have as a party to deal with.