Monday, September 13, 2010

A Message From the Republican Party.

I got this from a friend on FaceBook and thought it was so good I just had to share it with everyone.

Please listen carefully and to the end... I swear you will enjoy it.


Sue said...

Love it! Do you mind if I steal this video??

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm convinced.

Annette said...

Sue, you know you can take anything I post.. it is yours to use as you see fit.. I thought it was so good I had to share it.. Let it go

Truth, I am too... I am ready to join them... NOT.. lol

Leslie Parsley said...

Am having a bad blogger day - it seems to be a bit constipated, so I'm having trouble commenting or even getting on.

This is a terrific video. While we sit and chuckle "they" sit and nod their heads, saying, "that's right, that's right."

I don't want to detract from your beautiful parade but stop by my house and view the video on my latest piece - The Tea Party Speaks. It will boggle your mind.

Annette said...

Thanks Leslie for stopping in. Yes, I think whoever did this was brilliant.

Mauigirl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Annette said...

Thanks Mimi... I thought it was great. it sure tells it like it is.

Leslie Parsley said...

This is a comment that someone left on Hillbilly Reports Youtube video of the President's address in Feb. 2009:

"Will somebody PLEASE! "Lee Harvey Oswald" this guy in his Head!! I can't take it anymore. Thanks."

Annette said...

Yes, I saw that.. I went to the guys You Tube and he has made that comment several times. It shows on his page. Someone should call the SS or the FBI.