Saturday, July 10, 2010

The President's Weekly Address: Help for Vets with PTSD

From the White House blog:

President Obama announces that the Department of Veterans Affairs, led by Secretary Shinseki, will begin making it easier for veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder to receive the benefits and treatment they need.

This is a wonderful step.. I am glad the President and Sec. Shinseki have decided to do this and make it easier for our veterans to get the help they need.

I have helped several veterans try to get their benefits due to PTSD and it is so difficult and finding proof sometimes just isn't possible. Especially for the older vets...

Once again, this president has shown how much he supports our veterans and our military... Wonder who is going to attack him on this now?


JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Absolutely correct Annette. For all their rhetoric, the republicans hate Veterans if for no other reason they hate it when they ask for what was promised them.

That we have to have private organizations help Veterans get the benefits they were promised by us is despicable.

Annette said...

Yes, Truth... and it is a shame the Vets have to jump through so many hoops... With helping my dad, my uncle and my brother in the process, it is hard to believe what they go through.

My uncle had to file appeal after appeal because according to the VA being on an Air Craft Carrier in the Pacific is not in combat... even though he was at Okinawa, Iwo Jima, and all the rest of the big battles.

Leslie Parsley said...

Ditto, ditto. Republicans and AA have one big thing in common: mental illness doesn't exist. Thanks for posting this.

Annette said...

Anytime.. this is something I am very passionate about.. veterans services. We owe them everything and it shouldn't take all that much to help them.

Annette said...

Not sure what you mean...

Leslie Parsley said...

Seems rudeness comes in all languages.

Annette said...

I guess so Leslie...

mommapolitico said...

Give the GOP time - they'll find a way to attack. You would think that the Rethugs, as pro-war and supposedly patriotic, would support all that we can do to help our vets. Somehow, they have different priorities, like keeping their contractor friends happy. It's a whole new form of patriotism...

Great job, Annette. Thanks, friend.

Annette said...

Thanks MP... I know what you mean.. I am waiting for the attack.

Sue said...

Another impressive move by the president to add to his long list of accomplishments!

The thugs will say something about cost if they have anthing negative to say. It's always about money with them!

Annette said...

Thanks Sue, and yes you are correct... I am just waiting to hear what they have to say... This could be something that could push them over the