Saturday, April 11, 2009

Great Rebuttal from Good As You to NOM

Here is a video from the blog Good As You to the group NOM and their fake ad about how harmful Gay Marriage is to everyone. Using the Storm analogy they take it a step further and play right off the same words with the same actors still in the video. It is really good.

Except instead of it being a good storm.. it is a Bull Shit Look out now.. I LOVE IT!!!!


majii said...

I love how they called NOM out in the very first sentence!

Distributorcap said...

this is a pretty good video..... i will never never never understand why this is an issue, other than the fundies own discomfort with themselves.

Fran said...

Sure is!
I understand birthday wishes are in order.

Here's to many more!

Patricia said...

Birthday? Yours, Annette? Happy birthday if I missed it.

Gay marriage is happening most people who are uncomfortable with it now will get used to it and that all seems to be happening pretty quickly. That begs the question: Who will the next scapegoat once you can't rally the troops with "teh gay" any longer. Maybe we should start a betting pool.